Some things I am loving on this summer day...
Trader Joe's Happy Trekking Trail Mix

An absurdly delicious trail mix (and I have tried many, many of TJ's offerings), which I tend to sprinkle on top of vanilla yogurt, strawberries, and granola. A really quick lunch or snack, and the chocolate chips seem innocent enough for lunch when surrounded by fruit and nuts, no?
These new shorts from Ann Taylor Loft

Never shopped here before a Christmas-time spree with my sister. Always thought it was too "outfit-y" and young corporate. But I was wrong! Really cute stuff and their shorts/pants fit me without tailoring. My short legs thank you, Ann Taylor Loft.
The view from our morning walk

My fellow CA friends, we are so darn lucky. The rest of you, don't be jealous. Just come and VISIT ME!!!
Sex and the City reruns

We just acquired DVR and one of my guilty (or not-so-guilty) pleasures has been watching old SATC episodes while the kids nap. Oh, how I love those ladies. Today, I cried through the episode about Carrie moving to Paris with "The Russian." (I don't think I have male readers, but if I do, I just lost them.) :)
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